Saturday, March 30, 2013


This weekend has been a basketball weekend for me.  Lots of basketball games since Maundy Thursday.  Starting with the Miami Heat’s 27 game streak come to an end with a loss at the hands of the short-handed Chicago Bulls, the LA Lakers losing again to the Milwaukee Bucks, the NCAA sweet 16(at this time of writing), Turkish Euroleague, and a lot more.

This is my version of the term ‘staycation’, staying at home during the long weekend vacation.  After doing cleaning chores and nothing much to do anymore, turning on the tube would be my alternative for relaxation.

Basketball is so much fun.  As a citizen of this basketball crazed country, I fully admit that I am aficionado of the sport.  Since elementary days and up to the present, my most number one TV show has always been about basketball, whether NBA, PBA, FIBA….anything associated with the sport.  My most favorite competitions are of the international competitions, like the Olympics basketball, FIBA World Championships, Eurobasket, FIBA Americas, FIBA Asia.   I love to watch and see how the bests of the world meet and compete for a coveted title.  That is why I always opt for a cable connection, so that I can watch the best matches available, as part of my de-stressing when I am relaxing and resting at my crib.

I do play the game of basketball also, though not that much anymore.  My younger years saw me get involved in ‘high level’ competitions.  These past few years saw me playing the game only during sportsfest activities.  I haven’t had much time to playing the games as much as before, as it is hard for me to find playmates, as the game needs at least 10 players for full-court basketball.

I also enjoy critiquing, analyzing the game of basketball.  I would involve myself into smart discussions to to the performance of a team, a player, a tournament.  I love devising plays, as a strategy, for defeating opponents.  So much of this that when I was given to chance to coach our intramurals college basketball team. I accepted it willingly and enjoying much the chance of skippering an entire team.  Haven’t won a championship though, but finishing second is already an accomplishment.

Some would wonder on my passion to the game where I am not even a professional basketball player, a professional basketball coach, a professional basketball analyst, or even a basketball owner.  I am just a computer engineer in the profession of teaching.

Basketball is not just a game.  There is more a lot to it.  There are experiences, and lessons which are very viable, that can also affect our lives.  A lot of people even enjoyed success after hanging their jerseys, to another field, applying the principles that they learned from the game.

Michael Jordan, considered as the greatest basketball player of all time, having won 6 NBA titles from 2 three-peats(1991-93, 1996-98), is now the majority owner of the NBA basketball team Charlotte Bobcats, Larry Bird is the current president for the Indiana Pacers, Shaquille O’ Neal is a Doctor of Education and is also an NBA TV Analyst for TNT, Kevin Johnson is the current mayor of city of Sacramento, Magic Johnson is a successful businessman, and a lot, lot more.  Even here in our country, we have the likes of Robert Jaworski, who was a senator, Freddie Webb, also a senator.  Some became very successful coaches.  They have succeeded in life after the game of basketball because they considered basketball as a way of life, that there are lessons to be learned, that can be very useful to whatever road they might want to take.

As being able to play, and coach the game of basketball, there are three valuable lessons that I really learned and lived through each day of my life.  These are the value of Patience, the value of Teamwork, and the value of Embracing your Role.

The Value of Patience.  The game of basketball needs a lot of patience.  As a player,  I experienced playing games wherein our team is doing catch-up with our opponent.  As long as we kept our heads together, just playing the right way (playing tough defense, execute offense efficiently with less turn-overs, making good shot selections), and waiting for the enemy to lose momentum while we slowly come back and give ourselves a chance to win, it needs a high level degree of patience.  Getting into frustrations, blaming others, are very disastrous to an ongoing game.  As a coach, you have to be patient to how the game is played.  You have to be the pacifier, the calmer, the leader, the director for the team.  The game is full of emotions.  If things go bad, it is important to keep eveyone’s focus on the game and not lose their cool.

In life, patience is always a virtue.  Not all desired results come immediately.  It might not come now, but it doesn’t mean it cannot be attained.  What is important is doing the right things in your work, your relationships, your life, without letting frustration come ahead of it.  Life always has struggles along the way.  We just need to go through to these struggles, be pro-active with it, and adjust our way of living and working, by focusing on our available strengths to make it through.  Patience always reaps good harvest for those who wait and persevered.

The Value of Teamwork.  Teamwork is about team chemistry.  Each personnel in the team needs to learn from each other, their strengths, their weaknesses, their likes and dislikes, and create a positive approach to create a strong bond amongst the diversities.  Everyone should agree to the primary objective of the team, and everyone should accept the roles given.  Coherence to an objective is a must.  If the team aims to win, everyone should agree to it.  If the team loses, blaming should not happen, and instead, work again to pick up the pieces, identify together what made them lose, learn from the mistakes, and play again together with the same objective in mind.

Much like in the professional field, you will be working on a team made up of persons mostly you did not even know while you were growing up.  A team’s success is dependent on the team’s oneness.  Each one should be comfortable working for each other.  His responsibility is also my responsibility.  Be a team player.

The Value of Embracing your Role.  I consider these as the most critical of all.  Patience and teamwork, for me, comes along with this.  A player’s acceptance to the role given to him is important for a team, even it means a sacrifice.  One should not whine because he is just given a lesser role, or just a bench player.  He should realize that his role is important.  If he’s role is just to wait outside the three-point area and shoot when the ball is passed to you and shot is available, then he should accept it.  His role is important as he has created space, a workable separation for an inside player to operate the lanes, for a higher percentage points.  If the player’s role is to back-up the team’s superstar, then he should embrace it as equally important also.  Player’s are still humans, who can still feel the exhaustion of the game.  Giving quality minutes while the star player is resting, as it allows the latter to get much needed rest and have much gas left to lead and finish the game for desirable results.  Even the ‘waterboys’ play an even equally important role to the team.

All of us are given different roles to fill in our present work.  We must accept it willingly, unconditionally.  We must bear in mind that the job is given to us because we are fully capable of doing it.  When we are given a task, it is important that we accept it, accomplish it with full responsibility and ownership.  We should realize that are several tasks or jobs to prioritize, for the good of all, even if it is very important to you personally.  While others do the job and whine because they say that the pay grade does not match their work, just learn to live and love the current job you are now having.  Remember, patience is always a virtue.  Cultivate with what you have now, and the rewards will be reaped later, least you expect it.

So again, basketball is not just a game, but it also has lessons embedded with it.  Those who play the game of basketball maybe can relate to this.  This also can be found in other team sports, like football, volleyball, rowing….

I can’t say I have already succeeded in life.  There is still much to achieve, a reason to rise up in the mornings.  I am just living through my life, living with work, valuing my relationships, with the valuable lessons that I have learned from the game of basketball.  It is important to have positivity, whether playing the game or living your life.  And most of all, putting God within us, thanking him always for the blessings He is constantly giving.

End Note:
Rest-In-Peace Bobby Parks Sr., 7 time PBA Best Import Awardee.  He will always be remembered for the contributions he has given to Philippine Basketball.